National Wattle Day

National Wattle Day is celebrated on 1 September across Australia.

We celebrate this day by conducting public walks to promote the natural, cultural and heritage of Queanbeyan. 
Walks have been held at Bicentennial Park, along the Googong Foreshores and along the Queanbeyan River.

In 2022 Queanbeyan Landcare members shared images of wattles. Some are wattles that occur naturally in the region, others from further a field, and some are just beautiful. These shots are from Bicentennial Park, Cuumbeun Nature Reserve, Molonglo Gorge and the native garden of a Lifetime Member of Queanbeyan Landcare, David Dempster.

[Below images © Helen Hadobas, Paul Hadobas, the Dempster family, Tom Baker and Steve Dovers.]


World Environment Day